[ Daryl Legion ]

Vue.js: Avoid Prop Drilling with Provide & Inject

February 13, 2024   •   3 min read

You might come across a situation where a deeply nested component needs data from a distant ancestor. Typically, this means passing a prop through the entire component chain until it reaches the specific child component that needs it. This common pattern, known as ‘props drilling’, can lead to code that is harder to maintain and understand.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into a more efficient approach using Vue’s provide and inject functions to streamline component communication.

Prop Drilling

Prop drilling is the process of passing props from a parent component to a child component, then to another child component, and so on.

Let’s take a look at an example component, App.vue:

<script setup>
import Parent from './Parent.vue'
import Child from './Child.vue'
import DeepChild from './DeepChild.vue'

const props = defineProps({
  data: {
    required: true,
    type: Array,

    <Parent :data>
      <Child :data>
        <DeepChild :data />

See how we’re passing that data prop down, down, down? That’s prop drilling. We’re passing the data prop from App to Parent, then to Child, and finally to DeepChild component.

This is a common pattern in Vue applications. It works, but as the application grows, this pattern can become tedious and lead to code that is harder to maintain and understand. We have to thread the data through Parent and Child components even though they don’t use it themselves.

Provide & Inject to the Rescue

Vue’s provide and inject functions offer an elegant solution to the prop drilling problem. Let’s refactor our code to use them:

1. Provide the Data

In our App.vue, we’ll use the provide function:

<script setup>
import { provide } from 'vue'
// ... other imports

const props = defineProps({
  data: {
    required: true,
    type: Array,

provide('data', props.data) // Make the 'data' accessible to descendants

2. Inject the Data

Now, in our DeepChild.vue component, we’ll use the inject function to retrieve the data directly:

<script setup>
import { inject } from 'vue'
// ... other imports

const injectedData = inject('data')

    {{ injectedData }}

That’s it! We’ve eliminated the need to pass the data prop through the Parent and Child components. The DeepChild component can now access the data directly without having to know where it comes from.

How It Works

  • provide: Makes a piece of data (in this case, props.data) available to all descendant components (children, grandchildren, etc.). Think of it as setting something on a shared context.

  • inject: Retrieves the provided data within a descendant component. It searches up the component tree looking for an ancestor that used provide with a matching key ('data').

provide and inject make the data ‘teleport’ directly, ignoring the components in between. Cool, right?

Benefits of provide and inject

  • Cleaner Code: No more passing props through components that don’t need them. Your component hierarchy becomes less cluttered.

  • Reduces coupling: Components are no longer tightly coupled to their parent components. They can access the data they need directly without having to know where it comes from. This means components depend less on specific parent structures, making them more reusable.

  • Simplifies Testing: You can test components in isolation without having to worry about their parent components.

  • Easier Maintenance: Making changes becomes simpler since you aren’t relying on a chain of props.


Nobody likes prop drilling. It’s messy and can make your head spin. provide and inject offer a much-needed way out! Give them a go, and I bet you’ll be hooked.

Just remember, for super complex apps, sometimes you might need a more structured state management solution. But for many cases, this is a lifesaver.